Region: Europe

Country: Romania Coins

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Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games 1996 papi
Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games 1996 papi
Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games 1996 papi
Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games 1996 papi
Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games 1996 papi
Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games 1996 papi
50 years from the foundation of Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO 1995 papi
The centennial anniversary of the first flight of an aircraft engineered by Aurel Vlaicu -... 2010 papi
50 Bani 1911 Steve55
50 Bani 1900 Steve55
Medalion 1938 Steve55
Medal 1938 Steve55
500 Lei 1944 Steve55
100 Lei 1944 Steve55
100 Lei 1943 Steve55
100 000 Lei 1946 Steve55
25 000 Lei 1946 Steve55
2 Lei 1914 Steve55
2 Lei 1912 Steve55
2 Lei 1911 Steve55