Region: Asia

Country: Thailand Coins

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2006 1 baht 2006 ben_al
1946 25 satang 1946 ben_al
1970 1 Baht - Sixth Asian Games - Bangkok 1970 ben_al
Kingdom of Siam, 1 Baht, 1915. Mintage: 5,000,000. About VF. 1915 Hawk
10b 130 yrs.Budget Inspection Dept Department logo King Rama VI & King Rama IX 2006 De-Orc
10b 25th Asia Pacific Scout Jamboree Scout logo King Rama IX in scout uniform 2006 De-Orc
10b Queen Sirikit 72nd Birthday Queens emblem? Portrait of Queen Sirikit 2004 De-Orc
10b Anti drug campaign Campaign logo King Rama IX 2004 De-Orc
10b Thammasat Univeristy Coat of arms King Rama IX in uniform 2004 De-Orc
10b 200 yrs. King Rama IV Temples? Portrait of King Rama IV 2004 De-Orc
10b 70 yrs. Royal Scholar Board Royal Scholar Board logo King Rama VI & King Rama IX 2004 De-Orc
10b APEC Summit Apec logo Portrait of King Rama IX 2003 De-Orc
10b Highway Dept Department's logo King Rama VI & King Rama IX 2002 De-Orc
10b Vajira Hospital Hospital's logo King Rama VI & King Rama IX 2002 De-Orc
10b 50 yrs. Economic and Social Board Three seated figures King Rama IX 2000 De-Orc
10b 100 yrs. Princess Mother Emblem dividing date Portrait of Srinagarindra (Princess... 2000 De-Orc
10b 100 yrs. General Hospital, medication office Elephant King Rama VI & King Rama IX 1998 De-Orc
10b 100th Anniv of Chulalongkom European tour Thai writing Portrait of King Chulalongkom... 1997 De-Orc
10b FAO world sumit King planting rice with pesants Portrait of King Rama IX with camera 1996 De-Orc
10b 50th Anniv. King Rama IX Coat of arms Portrait (small) of King Rama IX 1996 De-Orc