Region: South America

Country: Uruguay Coins

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10 centesimos nickel-brass bust of Artigas 1960 bart
10 centesimos copper-nickel bust of Artigas 1953 bart
5 centesimos steer aluminum Santiago Mint 1978 bart
5 centesimos bust of Artigas nickel-brass 1960 bart
5 centesimos bust of Artigas copper-nickel 1953 bart
5 centesimos copper Santiago Mint 1951 bart
2 centesimos aluminum Santiago Mint 1977 bart
10 nuevos pesos stainless steel 1989 bart
5 nuevos pesos stainless steel 1989 bart
1 nuevo peso stainless steel 1989 bart
1 peso aluminum-brass Santiago Mint 1969 bart
1 peso bust of Artigas nickel-brass Santiago Mint 1968 bart
25 centesimos bust of Artigas copper-nickel 1960 bart
20 centesimos bust of Artigas stainless steel 1994 bart
20 centesimos bust of Artigas 0.720 silver Utrecht Mint 1954 bart
20 centesimos Santiago Mint 0.720 silver 1942 bart
10 centesimos bust of Artigas stainless steel 1994 bart
10 centesimos horse aluminum-bronze Santiago Mint 1981 bart
2 centesimos bust of Artigas nickel-brass 1960 bart
2 centesimos bust of Artigas copper-nickel 1953 bart