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Region: Europe

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6 Pence 1887 United Kingdom 1887 United Kingdom
5 Francs 1867A France 1867 France
5 Francs L'An 10 Gaule Subalpine 1802 Italy
10 euro 400 Anniversary of the birth of Jean de La Fontaine, Writer of Fables 1621-1695 2021 France
Yugoslavia 100 dinara. 1993 1993 Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia 50 dinara. 1993 (II) 1993 Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia 10 dinara. 1993 1993 Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia 5 dinara. 1993 1993 Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia 2 dinara. 1993 (II) 1993 Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia 1 dinar. 1993 1993 Yugoslavia
Italy 2 Euro - Winter Olympics Turin 2006. 2006 Italy
Slovenia 2 Euro - 500th Anniversary of Birth of Primož Trubar. 2008 Slovenia
Germany 2 Euro - 10th Anniversary of the European Monetary Union. 2007 Germany
Luxembourg 2 Euro - 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. 2007 Luxembourg
Belgium 2 Euro - Renewal of the Belgium-Luxembourg economic union. 2005 Belgium
10 euro a Discus Thrower Olympic Games Paris 2022 France
10 euro Marianne Running Olympic Games Paris 2021 France
5 euro International Year Of Mercy 2016 San Marino
AE Medal on the Establishment of the Founding Home in St. Petersburg on the 1st of September... 1763 Russia
Finland 50 pennia. 1917 S, Civil war coinage. Ag 750. 1917 Finland