


damiano's collection (All countries)

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Chambre de commerce de Paris - Silver jetton - mm. 36 1804 Exonumia Europe
Transfer of the body of Napoleon - Ae gilt medal - mm. 53 (struck in 1845-1860) 1840 Exonumia Europe
1789 Exonumia Europe
Compagnie des salines de l'Est - Silver jetton - mm. 30,5 1806 Exonumia Europe
Pont sur la Durance - Tin bronzed medal - mm. 42 1803 Exonumia Europe
Peace of Paris (Alexander I) - Copper jetton - Mm. 25 1814 Exonumia Europe
Transfer of the body of Napoleon - Tin bronzed jetton - mm. 25 1840 Exonumia Europe
Napoleon in Italy - White metal jetton - mm. 33 1796 Exonumia Europe
Battle of Cape St. Vincent (Admiral Jervis) - Copper Halfpenny token - Mm. 29 1797 Exonumia Europe
Death of Louis XVI (by Baldenbach) - Silver medal - Mm. 47 1793 Exonumia Europe
1789 Exonumia Europe
Death of Louis XVI (By Kuchler) - Mm. 51 1793 Exonumia Europe
Battle of Castiglione - Paris mint - Mm. 43 1796 Exonumia Europe
Louis XVI (Dignissimo) - Brass jetton - mm. 27. Poorly struck 1791 Exonumia Europe
George III recovers from illness. Copper medal - mm. 29 1789 Exonumia Europe
Naval action off Tory Island (Admiral J.B.Warren) - White metal medal - mm. 38 1798 Exonumia Europe
1807 Exonumia Europe
Louis XVI (Diane) - Brass jetton 21 mm. 1791 Exonumia Europe
1792 Exonumia Europe
1800 Exonumia Europe
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