


i collect silver coins,world coins,and swap coins

emilu2's collection (All countries)

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2000 Years of Christianity Ultra rare coins,only 2000 minted 2000 Macedonia
1996 Yugoslavia
2 DM Kurt Schumacher only 420 000 minted,rare 1993 Germany
1993 Macedonia
also 1992 Xf 1990 Greece
1988 and 2000 XF 1986 Greece
1984 Greece
also 1986,1990,1998,2000 all XF grade 1984 Greece
1982 Greece
also 1986,1988,1998 all in XF grade and same prices 1982 Greece
1978 Greece
1978 Greece
1976 Greece
1976 Greece
1976 Greece
also 1978 XF grade 1976 Greece
also 1978 Xf grade 1976 Greece
1976 Poland
Commemorative issue Battle of Murten in 1476 AD rare only 1.506.000 minted 1976 Switzerland
1975 Libya
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