

frabrne's collection (All countries)

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taler from brandenburg, Joachim II 1543 Germany
1564 Germany
taler from solothurn, without year 1560 Switzerland
taler of archduke Karl, Klagenfurt 1576 Austria
taler of archduke Karl, graz, ''panthertaler'' 1576 Austria
taler of archduke Karl, Graz, ''panthertaler'' 1574 Austria
taler from Hamburg 1553 Germany
1570 Germany
taler of king eric XIV 1561 Sweden
taler from mecklenburg, johann albrecht II 1549 Germany
taler from stolberg. ludwig II 1549 Germany
taler from saxonie, moritz 1549 Germany
taler from saxonie, august 1565 Germany
taler from saxonie, johann friedrich der grosmutige 1545 Germany
taler from saxonie, johann friedrich der grosmutige 1540 Germany
taler from ottingen 1541 Germany
taler from batenburg baronie , caled ''victortaler'' the year is not OK because it has no year 1556 Netherlands
taler from batenburg baronie 1559 Netherlands
I don't know any information about it if somebody can help me to recognize it , let send me a... 1558 Germany
taler from koeln, maximilian II 1568 Germany
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