Region: Asia

Country: China Coins

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$, very fine 1919 HKMAL
$, extremely fine 1933 HKMAL
Empire Kwang-Hsu (1875 - 1908), Kwangtung Province minted, 20 Cents, 1890. 5.5000 g, 0.8000... 1890 HKMAL
Empire Hsuan-tung(1909 - 1911), Kwangtung Province minted, 20 Cents, 1909. 5.5000 g, 0.8000... 1909 HKMAL
Empire Kwang-Hsu (1875 - 1908), Fukien Province minted, 20 Cents, 1896. 5.4000 g, 0.8200 Silver,... 1896 HKMAL
Republic of China, Fukien Province minted 20 Cents, 20th Year (1931). Subject: Canton Martyrs.... 1931 HKMAL
Republic of China, Yunnan province minted 20 cents, 38th Yr. (1949). 5.6000 g, Silver. Obverse:... 1949 HKMAL
China, Japanese occupation - Manchoukuo (Japanese puppet state). The deposed of the former last... 1934 HKMAL
China, Japanese occupation - Manchoukuo (Japanese puppet state). The area was restored to China... 1933 HKMAL
China, Japanese occupation - Manchoukuo (Japanese puppet state). The area was restored to China... 1934 HKMAL
China, Japanese occupation - Manchoukuo (Japanese puppet state). The deposed of the former last... 1935 HKMAL
China, Japanese occupation - Manchoukuo (Japanese puppet state). The deposed of the former last... 1938 HKMAL
China, Japanese occupation - Manchoukuo (Japanese puppet state). The deposed of the former last... 1939 HKMAL
Republic of China, General Tang Chi-yao (Governor-General of Yunnan Province, rebelled against... 1917 HKMAL
Empire Hsuan-tung(1909 - 1911), Manchurian Province minted, 20 Cents, 1910. 5.2000 g, 0.8900... 1910 HKMAL
Republic of China, Fukien Province Minted, 20 Cents, 1923. 5.0000 g, Silver. VF. 1923 HKMAL
Republic of China, 20 Cents, 18th Yr (1929). Sun Yat-sen, Kwangtung Provinced minted. XF. 1929 HKMAL
Republic of China (1911-1949), Kwang Tung Province, 20 Cents, 9th yr. (1920). 5.4000 g, Silver,... 1920 HKMAL
Empire - Ch'ing Dynasty (Manchu, 1644 - 1911), Emperor Hsuan Tung, One Dollar, Hsuan Tung 3rd... 1911 HKMAL
Empire - Ch'ing Dynasty (Manchu, 1644 - 1911), Emperor Kuang-hsu, 7 Mace & 2 Candareens (One... 1920 HKMAL