Region: Europe

Country: France Coins

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An obol of Louis the Pious. Obv: Cross with pellets in each quadrant. +HLVDOVVICVS IMP Rev:... 822 bill
Obv: Abstract head facing right. Rev: Cross and + ROB'DE CELE Denier of Celles. 1184 bill
Blois, Denier, Thibaut the Trickster Obv: Abstract head right. REv: Cross. + BLEIANIS CASTIO 970 bill
Charlemagne denier. 768 bill
Pixtilos Class V. Bearded male obverse. Seated figure left and geometric patterns reverse. -35 bill
Pixtilos Class II. Wolf and Lizard. -35 bill
Quadrans of Augustus, minted in Lugdunum, ca. 15 to 10 B.C. -10 bill
-55 bill
Celtic coin of the Parisii. A head, commonly refered to as a skull, on the obverse, a swastika... -50 bill
Clodius Albinus, denarius, Lugdunum mint. Aequitas reverse. 196 bill
Greek Massilia, 200 - 150 B.C., silver Tetrobal. Obv: Artemis with bow and quiver behind her... -175 bill
Obv: Female head facing left, a loop of hair on the nape of the neck, captions in front of the... -35 bill
1300 bill
970 bill
Eudes I or Theobald II, Denier. Chartres 975/978 - 996 or 996 - 1004 Obv: Crowned bust facing... 995 bill
Eudes II, Denier. Chartres, 1004 - 1037 Obv: Crowned bust facing right with pellets on either... 1010 bill
Merovingian denier from Marseille, ca 710 - 720 A.D. Obv: Cross and M monogram. Rev: Cross and... 710 bill
670 bill
640 bill
700 bill