Region: Europe

Country: Ireland Coins

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1948 threepence ireland 1948 jgs
1942 threepence ireland 1942 jgs
1967 halfpenny ireland 1967 jgs
1966 halfpenny ireland 1966 jgs
1965 halfpenny ireland 1965 jgs
1964 halfpenny ireland 1964 jgs
1953 halfpenny ireland 1953 jgs
1943 halfpenny ireland 1943 jgs
1942 halfpenny ireland 1942 jgs
1937 halfpenny ireland 1937 jgs
1966 10 shillings Ireland easter uprising 1966 jgs
1968 penny ireland hen and chick 1968 jgs
1967 penny ireland hen and chick 1967 jgs
1966 penny ireland hen and chick 1966 jgs
1965 penny ireland hen and chick 1965 jgs
1964 penny ireland hen and chick 1964 jgs
1963 penny ireland hen and chick 1963 jgs
1962 penny ireland hen and chick 1962 jgs
1952 penny ireland hen and chick 1952 jgs
1950 penny ireland hen and chick 1950 jgs