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Region: South America

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50 Centesimos (Oriental Republic of Uruguay // Stainless Steel) 2008 Uruguay
100 Pesos (Republic of Chile // Bimetallic: Nickel Brass centre - Copper-Aluminium-Nickel ring) 2008 Chile
Brazil 10 centavos. 2008 (II) 2008 Brazil
Brazil 10 centavos. 2008 (III) 2008 Brazil
Argentina 10 centavos. 2008 2008 Argentina
Colombia 200 pesos. 2008 2008 Colombia
Colombia 50 pesos. 2008 2008 Colombia
Denominacion: 10 Centimos 2007 Brazil
50 pesos 2007 Colombia
500 pesos 2007 Colombia
Denominacion: 20 Centimos 2007 Peru
Denominacion: 2 Nuevos Soles 2007 Peru
Denominacion: 10 Centimos 2007 Peru
Denominacion: 5 Centimos 2007 Peru
Denominacion: 1 Centimo 2007 Peru
Denominacion: 20 Pesos 2007 Colombia
1 Real KM#652a 7.0000 g., Bi-Metallic Ring Composition: Brass-Plated Steel Center Composition:... 2007 Brazil
1 Real Value stars & globe Head of Liberty 2007 Brazil
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 50 centimos. 2007 Venezuela
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 10 centimos. 2007 Venezuela