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Region: South America

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Chile 2 Centavos 1871 1871 Chile
KM-160.1, 1872 Bolivia boliviano, Potosi mint mark (PTS i nmonogram), FE essayer initials;... 1872 Bolivia
1 Boliviano 1872 Bolivia
Peru - 1 Sol - 1872 - Weight 25 gr - Silvercoin Ag 0,900 - Ag 0,7233 Troy Ounce - Size 37 mm -... 1872 Peru
Sol 1872 Peru
Bolivia 10 Centavos 1872 1872 Bolivia
KM-156.3, 1872 Bolivia 5 centavos, FE essayer; silver, reeded edge; poorly struck uncirculated or... 1872 Bolivia
KM-159.1, 1872 Bolivia 20 centavos, Potosi mint (PTS mintmark in monogram), FE essayer initials;... 1872 Bolivia
Peso 1872 Chile
KM-154.3, 1872 Bolivia 20 centavos, Potosi mint (PTS mintmark in monogram), FE essayer initials;... 1872 Bolivia
Colombia 1872 1 peso, Bogota mint. Struck in gold. Low mintage? Weight: 1.50g. 1872 Colombia
KM-138.1, 1872 Chile 20 centavos; silver, reeded edge; good very fine or so. 1872 Chile
1873 Brazil
KM-160.1, 1873 FE Bolivia boliviano same as below but different year. 1873 Bolivia
KM-160.1, 1873 FE essayer Bolivia boliviano in XF but cleaned condition; usual multiple die... 1873 Bolivia
Empire 40 reis Petrus II C. Imp. et perp. Bras. def. Pedro II constitutional emperor and... 1873 Brazil
KM-158.1, 1873 FE Potosi mint Bolivia 10 centavos; higher quality coin, between very fine and... 1873 Bolivia
KM-161.1, 1873 Bolivia 50 centavos or 1/2 boliviano, FE essayer, Potosi mint (PTS mintmark in... 1873 Bolivia
Details for below BO73E half boliviano reverse. Left: 3 in the date is high and touching the... 1873 Bolivia
20 centavos 0.835 silver scratched coin 1873 Chile