WWKT collection
1815 France Departure of Louis XVIII from Paris Medal by Jeuffroy & Andrieu. Bronze: 50MM./50 gms.
Obv: La discorder descendant d'une galere. Legend DIES.VICESIMA.MARTII. Exergue JEUFFROY F. MDCCCXV. Rev: La France en deuil. Legend RECEDENTIS.PRINCIPIS.DESIDERIVM. In the field ANDRIEU.F. Exergue GALLIA.
1815 France Departure of Louis XVIII from Paris Medal by Jeuffroy & Andrieu. Bronze: 50MM./50 gms. Obv: La discorder descendant d'une galere. Legend DIES.VICESIMA.MARTII. Exergue JEUFFROY F. MDCCCXV. Rev: La France en deuil. Legend RECEDENTIS.PRINCIPIS.DESIDERIVM. In the field ANDRIEU.F. Exergue GALLIA.