WWKT collection
1960 San Juan Capistrano Mission of California Medal. Silver: 41MM./38.85 gms.
Famous for the yearly return of the Swallows to nest at the Mission. Best Known for Nature's Phenomena is the arrival of Swallows every March 19th, The Feast of St. Joseph & there departure on Oct 23rd The Feast of St. John. Thousands gather each year to witness these events and it reported throughout the world. 1960's issued, 7th in the Chain of California Missions.
1960 San Juan Capistrano Mission of California Medal. Silver: 41MM./38.85 gms. Famous for the yearly return of the Swallows to nest at the Mission. Best Known for Nature's Phenomena is the arrival of Swallows every March 19th, The Feast of St. Joseph & there departure on Oct 23rd The Feast of St. John. Thousands gather each year to witness these events and it reported throughout the world. 1960's issued, 7th in the Chain of California Missions.
North America