elverno collection
Prise de Menin, France.

This unusual uniface medal is unlisted in Hennin. That was something of a surprise since Hennin listed almost everything of the Revolution up until the Consulate. 
   There isn't much information in the books; obviously six Austrian grenadiers are surrendering to a single French solder. We're left wondering if the solder's name was Menin. I suspect this is an event that happened during, or after the battle of Schliengen between Archduke Charles and Moreau. 71 mm.
Prise de Menin, France. This unusual uniface medal is unlisted in Hennin. That was something of a surprise since Hennin listed almost everything of the Revolution up until the Consulate. There isn't much information in the books; obviously six Austrian grenadiers are surrendering to a single French solder. We're left wondering if the solder's name was Menin. I suspect this is an event that happened during, or after the battle of Schliengen between Archduke Charles and Moreau. 71 mm.
Exonumia Europe