koreasangeun collection
This is a China SI CHUAN Province RUPPE.And it has many types for different flowers,different head ,low sliver or high sliver.It is not a fake ,but they are always ROUGH~~And it is the first kind coin with a people's face on in China.The first kind of Ruppe made in 1902 ,when India Ruppe entered into Si chuan(nearly India with Tibet).The governor thought he should got an idea to boycott the India Ruppe,so he let the people in Si chuan made Si chuan Ruppe to do it.This one is one of mine,it is a
This is a China SI CHUAN Province RUPPE.And it has many types for different flowers,different head ,low sliver or high sliver.It is not a fake ,but they are always ROUGH~~And it is the first kind coin with a people's face on in China.The first kind of Ruppe made in 1902 ,when India Ruppe entered into Si chuan(nearly India with Tibet).The governor thought he should got an idea to boycott the India Ruppe,so he let the people in Si chuan made Si chuan Ruppe to do it.This one is one of mine,it is a