De-Orc collection
2 Zloty 
Polish Travelers & Explorers
Image of Ignacy Domeyko from the
portrait by A. Kurowski (1833). On the left and on the right side
stylised images of mountains. On the right side a stylised image
of a bag, books, hammer and a magnifying glass. At the top,
on the right side, the notation, IGNACY DOMEYKO 1802-1889.
Eagle, value & date
2 Zloty Polish Travelers & Explorers Image of Ignacy Domeyko from the portrait by A. Kurowski (1833). On the left and on the right side stylised images of mountains. On the right side a stylised image of a bag, books, hammer and a magnifying glass. At the top, on the right side, the notation, IGNACY DOMEYKO 1802-1889. Eagle, value & date