constanius collection
This is a trial strike in WM 32mm. of the obverse of THE PRINCE OF WALES (ALBERT EDWARD) BHM# 2384 before 1850 was added below the bust. In 1850 L. C. Wyon engraved a set of 7 medals of the Royal Children BHM#'s 2384 to 2390, in silver very rare, in bronze rare.BHM states that Unifaced trial strikings of the obverses of these pieces exist in white metal 
They make no reference as to rarity of these trial strikes but I suspect they must be extremely rare.
This is a trial strike in WM 32mm. of the obverse of THE PRINCE OF WALES (ALBERT EDWARD) BHM# 2384 before 1850 was added below the bust. In 1850 L. C. Wyon engraved a set of 7 medals of the Royal Children BHM#'s 2384 to 2390, in silver very rare, in bronze rare.BHM states that Unifaced trial strikings of the obverses of these pieces exist in white metal They make no reference as to rarity of these trial strikes but I suspect they must be extremely rare.
Exonumia Europe