Region: Europe

Country: Belgium Coins

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50 centen. Leopold II (1865-1909) Koning Der Belgen. Ag835f. 2,5gr. 1909 podzemnik
50 cents. Albert I (1909-1934) Koning Der Belgen. Ag835f. 2,5gr. 1912 podzemnik
Module 5 Fr. 1830-1880 1880 PER-ASPERA-AD-ASTRA
10 Cent, 1929 1929 joyseinteriano
500 Francs 60 years Baudouin French 1990 Swisspat
Belgium, 10 centimes, 1904, Cu-Ni, holed, Koninkrijk Belgie.... 1904 vajaho
1836 Austria - Holy Roman Empire Ferdinand I, The Bohemian coronation of his wife Maria Anna... 1836 WWKT
5 ecu Charles V with titles: Carolus D(ei) G(ratia) ROM(anum) IMP(eratorem) HISP(aniarum) REX... 1987 bart
2005 Belgium UNESCO World Heritage Medal Brussels Grande Palace from Belgian Mint Set. 2005 Tiffibunny
10 Francs 1976 daggit
25 Centimes 1967. Medal alignment and Belgie legend. 1967 ElGreco
1750 laird, fair grade, plenty of detail, sadly a bend in the coin 1750 ScottO
1 Fr 8% off-cent struck 1951 mawett
1920/10 5 centimes EF grade 1920 ScottO
siver Escalin dated 1620 from Brabant, Spanish Netherlands. 1620 Ian
Belgium - 10 Centimes - 1928 - Weight 4,0 gr - Copper-Nickel - Size 22 mm - Thickness 1,42 mm -... 1928 Count999
25 cents Monogram B Vlaams 1966 Arneman
Belgium, 10 centimes, 1894, Cu-Ni, Leopold II Premier Roi des Belges.... 1894 vajaho
12 1/2 euro Leopold II king of Belgium 1865-1909 country name in Dutch, French and German... 2007 bart
1 Centime KM#33.1 2.0000 g., Copper, 18 mm. Ruler: Leopold II Obv: Crowned monogram, legend in... 1882 Tomux
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