Region: Europe

Country: Belgium Coins

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1 Franc KM#188 2.7700 g., Nickel Plated Iron, 18 mm. Ruler: Albert II Obv: Head left, outline... 1996 Tomux
1929 1 Franc 1929 ben_al
1 Fr 1977 Aditya Kulkarni
Belgium - 25 Centimes - 1943 - Weight 6,5 gr - Zink - Size 26 mm - Ruler / Adolf Hitler (German... 1943 Count999
Belgium1Centime-Belges-km33.1-1907 1907 Vichaisun
Belgium 1948 5FRANC 1948 boxscooter
Belgium5Centimes-Belgie-km67-1923 1923 Vichaisun
1862 Belgium 10 Centimes 1862 Tiffibunny
2 Euros Brass / Cu-Ni Belgium-Luxembourg Collaboration 2005 Swisspat
Liege. A copper Liard of Johann Theodore 1751. 1751 Ian
5 Francs 1866 - Forgery (made in China) Details 1866 belg_error
50th Anniversary of the Signature of the Treaty of Rome - Belgium version 2007 RenaL
1750 Arneman
Belgie pre-Euro 50 cent 1979 Delta
1 franc 1995 Jessi
10 ECU Au900 5.3g / Ag833 60th anniv. Baudouin qp 1990 Swisspat
10 Centimes 1922 Dutch legends - Centerhole Punched Offcenter 1922 belg_jos
1 Belgian Franc. 1990 key
Belgium1Franc-Belgique-km170-1991 1991 Vichaisun
5 Francs KM#134.1 6.0000 g., Copper-Nickel, 24 mm. Obv: Plant divides denomination, Crown at... 1949 Tomux
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