Region: Europe

Country: Jersey Coins

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1937 1/12 Shilling Coat of arms on shield King George VI 1937 De-Orc
2 pence. 1975 1975 henry12
Jersey, 1 pound, 1992, Ni-Brass, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Bailwick of Jersey... 1992 vajaho
1/12 shilling. Edward VII (1901-1910). Br. 1909 podzemnik
EF 1/4 of a shilling from 1957, 2 million minted but this one is in a nice condition 1957 ScottO
2 pence L'Hermitage St. Helier Elizabeth II by Ian Rank-Broadley copper-plated steel 2002 bart
Jersey 2 pounds 1981 - Royal Wedding 1981 pet
2003 LawrenceChard
Jersey, 1 Penny, 1994 1994 Kaijapska
1937 1/12 of a shilling, high grade 1937 ScottO
Jersey 1/12 Shilling 1966 - 900th Anniversary of the Norman invasion of England and the Battle of... 1966 Akdeveli
Fifty pence 1990 ElleKitty
1/4 shilling Norman Conquest 1066-1966 Elizabeth II by Cecil Thomas nickel-brass 12-sided coin 1966 bart
1/4 of a shilling. 1964 1964 henry12
1926 1/24 shilling, F grade 1926 ScottO
Jersery 2002 20 pence. Special thanks to Peck! Interesting lighthouse at reverse. 2002 gxseries
Dated 1945 but issued in 1954 Liberation Anniversery Issue 1/12 of a Shilling Shield & coat of... 1954 De-Orc
1988 totoro_es
1/12 of a shilling CIIR 1660-1960 EIIR Elizabeth II 1960 bart
5 pence Seymour Tower, Grouville, L'Avathison Elizabeth II by Ian Rank-Broadley copper-nickel 2002 bart
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